The replacement of the current lifts is well in progress. We have one lift which is fully functional and the second is being built at the time of this newsletter. We are hoping that it will be up and running by the new year. That way in 2025 we will have two brand new lifts running concurrently. These new lifts should help drastically reduce money spent on repairs for the old lifts as well as not being out of order so often We thank the members for their patience.
As mentioned in the previous newsletter the tennis courts have been refurbished thanks to a heavy sponsorship by Altenar and the Malta Tennis Federation.
We are in contact with the Federation so that they start using our courts for training and tournaments. Initial contacts show that things are promising. In fact, the President, Deputy President and a board member have already paid a visit to the club, with which they were hugely impressed with the courts and the club itself.
On the 21 December a tournament, organised by Liam Delicata is being held at the club. If this proves to be a success more will be held which we hope will have a collateral effect of increase membership
We have now upgraded the second and third floor with the installation of blinds and curtains. This gives the two areas a more presentable look.
Finally, the restaurant area has the white tablecloths that we were insisting on for the past couple of years
Tigne Beach
We have started negotiations with the Land Department to extend the commercial lease of the beach club. The current lease expires in 2028 and therefore we are well in time for calm and steady negotiations. Further updates in the newsletter as these arise
Car Wash
We have introduced a car wash service which is proving to be popular with the members. Fees are €10 for exterior wash only and €15 for both interior and exterior wash.
The car wash service will be on -2 level. Please notify reception should you wish your car washed to be able to coordinate the schedule.
Christmas Mass and Breakfast
As already mentioned in a previous communication we are once again holding the traditional Christmas Mass on the 24 December 2024 followed by breakfast. For full details refer to the email communication
New Members
Twenty new members have been accepted since the last newsletter. A small reception was held for the
new members and their proposers, seconders.
On behalf of the Committee of Management and the staff of the Malta Union Club may we wish all members a Blessed Christmas and a Joyful and Prosperous New Year.
Carol Zammit Briffa – Editor
John V Caruana – Chairman